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Plot your results

There are many plots available and multiple options to show them. Here's a brief overview.

Plot over X11

Plot from overview

To plot over X11, make sure you are connected with ssh -X (of course, use the HPC system you wish instead of barnard, if applicable, and change it to your user). Then, cd into your OmniOpt2 directory. Assuming you have already ran an OmniOpt2-run and the results are in runs/my_experiment/0 (adapt this to your experiment folder!), run this:
./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0
You will be presented by a menu like this:
Use your arrow keys to navigate to the plot type you like, and then press enter.

Plot directly

If you know what plot you want, you can directly plot it by using:
./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 scatter # change plot_type accordingly

Plot to file

All plot scripts support to export your plot to a file.
./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 scatter --save_to_file filename.svg # change plot_type and file name accordingly. Allowed are svg and png.

Plot types

There are many different plot types, some of which can only be shown on jobs that ran on Taurus, or jobs with more than a specific number of results or parameters. If you run the omniopt_plot-script, it will automatically show you plots that are readily available.

Plot trial index/result

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 trial_index_result

The trial-index is a continuous number that, for each run that is completed, is increased. Using it as x-axis allows you to trace how the results developed over time. Usually, the result should go down (at minimization runs) over time, though it may spike out a bit.

trial_index_result Options


Plot time and exit code infos

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 time_and_exit_code

This graph has 4 subgraphs that show different information regarding the job runtime, it's results and it's exit codes.

time_and_exit_code Options



./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 scatter

The scatter plot shows you all 2d combinations of the hyperparameter space and, for each evaluation, a dot is printed. The color of the dot depends on the result value of this specific run. The lower, the greener, and the higher, the more red they are. Thus, you can see how many results were attained and how they were, and where they have been searched.

scatter Options



./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 scatter_hex

Similar to scatter plot, but here many runs are grouped into hexagonal subspaces of the parameter combinations, and the groups are coloured by their average result, and as such you can see an approximation of the function space. This allows you to quickly grasp 'good' areas of your hyperparameter space.

scatter_hex Options



./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 scatter_generation_method

This is similar to the scatter plot, but also shows you which generation method (i.e. SOBOL, BoTorch, ...) is responsible for creating that point, and how the generation methods are scattered over each axis of the hyperparameter optimization problem. Thus, you can see how many runs have been tried and where exactly.

scatter_generation_method Options



./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 kde
KDE (Kernel Density Estimation)

Kernel-Density-Estimation-Plots, short KDE-Plots, group different runs into so-called bins by their result range and parameter range.

Each grouped result gets a color, green means lower, red means higher, and is plotted as overlaying bar charts.

These graphs thus show you, which parameter range yields which results, and how many of them have been tried, and how 'good' they were, i.e. closer to the minimum (green).

kde Options


get_next_trials got/requested

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 get_next_trials
Get next trials

Each time the ax_client.get_next_trials()-function is called, it is logged how many new evaluations should be retrieved, and how many actually are retrieved. This graph is probably not useful for anyone except for the developer of OmniOpt2 for debugging, but still, I included it here.

get_next_trials Options


General job infos

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 general

The general-plot shows you general info about your job. It consists of four subgraphs:

general Options


CPU and RAM Usage

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 cpu_ram_usage

Very similar to the 2d-scatter plot, but in 3d.

cpu_ram_usage Options


GPU usage

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 gpu_usage

Shows the workload of different GPUs on all nodes that jobs of an evaluation has run on over time.

gpu_usage Options


Worker usage

./omniopt_plot runs/my_experiment/0 worker

worker Options

Shows the amount of requested workers, and the amount of real workers over time.