Exit-Codes and Bash-scripting
What are exit-codes?
Each program on Linux, after it runs, returns a value to the operating system to tell if it has succeeded and if not, what error may have occurred.
0 means 'everything was fine', every other value (possible is 1-255) mean 'something went wrong' and you can assign errors or groups of errors to one exit code. This is what OmniOpt2 extensively does, to make scripting it easier.
Exit code groups in OmniOpt2
Depending on the error, if any, occurred, OmniOpt2 ends with the following exit codes:
Exit Code Information
Exit Code | Error Group Description |
0 | Seems to have worked properly |
1 | There was an error regarding the python-syntax. Is your python-version too old? If you are on a slurm-system, this may mean that the job cannot be started. Check stdout. |
2 | Wrong CLI arguments |
3 | Invalid exit code detected |
4 | Failed loading modules |
5 | Errors regarding toml or yaml config files |
6 | Error creating .logs dir |
7 | Probably versioning error. Try removing virtualenv and try again |
8 | Probably something went wrong trying to plot sixel graphics |
9 | Probably something went wrong trying to use or define the ax_client or executor |
10 | Usually only returned by dier (for debugging) |
11 | Required program not found (check logs) |
12 | Error with pip, check logs |
13 | Run folder already exists |
14 | Error installing OmniOpt2 via install_omniax.sh |
15 | Unimplemented error |
16 | Wrongly called .py files: Probably you tried to call them directly instead of over the bash file |
18 | test_wronggoing_stuff program not found (only --tests) |
19 | Something was wrong with your parameters. See output for details |
20 | Something went wrong installing the required modules |
21 | requirements.txt or test_requirements.txt not found |
22 | Python header-files not found |
23 | Loading of Environment failed |
31 | Basic modules could not be loaded or you cancelled loading them |
32 | Error regarding the --signed_weighted_euclidean_weights parameter. Check output for details |
44 | Continuation of previous job failed |
45 | Could not create log dir |
47 | Missing checkpoint or defective file or state files (check output) |
49 | Something went wrong while creating the experiment |
50 | Something went wrong with the --result_names option (check output) |
87 | Search space exhausted or search was cancelled |
88 | Search was done according to ax |
89 | All jobs failed |
90 | Error creating the experiment_args |
91 | Error creating the experiment_args |
92 | Error loading torch: This can happen when your disk is full |
93 | Failed loading module. See output for specific errors. |
99 | It seems like the run folder was deleted during the run |
100 | --mem_gb or --gpus, which must be int, has received a value that is not int |
101 | Error using ax_client: it was not defined where it should have been |
103 | --time is not in minutes or HH:MM format |
104 | One of the parameters --mem_gb, --time, --run_program or --experiment_name is missing |
105 | Continued job error: previous job has missing state files |
106 | --num_parallel_jobs must be equal to or larger than 1 |
123 | Something is wrong the the --generation_strategy |
130 | Interrupt-Signal detected |
133 | Error loading --config_toml, --config_json or --config_yaml |
137 | OOM-Killer on Slurm-Systems |
138 | USR-Signal detected |
142 | Error in Models like THOMPSON or EMPIRICAL_BAYES_THOMPSON. Not sure why |
143 | Slurm-Job was cancelled |
146 | CONT-Signal detected |
181 | Error parsing --parameter. Check output for more details |
191 | Could not create workdir |
192 | Unknown data type (--tests) |
193 | Error in printing logs. You may be on a read only file system or your hard disk is full |
199 | This happens on unstable file systems when trying to write a file |
203 | Unsupported --model |
206 | Invalid orchestrator file |
210 | Unknown orchestrator mode |
211 | Git checkout failed (--checkout_to_latest_tested_version) |
233 | No random steps set |
242 | Error at fetching new trials |
243 | Job was not found in squeue anymore, it may got cancelled before it ran |
244 | get_executor() failed. See logs for more details. |
245 | python3 is not installed |
246 | A path that should have been a file is actually a folder. Check output for more details. |
247 | Trying to continue a job which was started with --generation_strategy. This is currently not possible. |
255 | sbatch error |
How to script OmniOpt2 with exit codes
This example runs OmniOpt2 and, depending on the exit-code, does something else.
./omniopt \
--partition=alpha \
--experiment_name=my_experiment \
--mem_gb=1 \
--time=60 \
--worker_timeout=30 \
--max_eval=500 \
--num_parallel_jobs=20 \
--gpus=0 \
--num_random_steps=20 \
--follow \
--show_sixel_graphics \
--run_program=$(echo -n "bash /path/to/my_experiment/run.sh --epochs=%(epochs) --learning_rate=%(learning_rate) --layers=%(layers)" | base64 -w 0) \
--cpus_per_task=1 \
--send_anonymized_usage_stats \
--parameter learning_rate range 0 0.5 float \
--parameter epochs choice 1,10,20,30,100 \
--parameter layers fixed 10
exit_code=$? # Special bash variable
if [[ $exit_code -eq 0 ]]; then
./omniopt --continue runs/my_experiment/0 # Run again with the same parameters, but load previous data
elif [[ $exit_code -eq 87 ]]; then # 87 = Search space exhausted
echo "The search space was exhausted. Trying further will not find new points."
# OmniOpt2 call for expanded search space here