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Environment Variables

What are environment variables?

Every program on Linux has an environment, like a bash- or zsh-shell, that it runs in. These shells can contain variables that can change how OmniOpt2 works. Here is a list of all shell variables that change how OmniOpt2 works.

It is important that you run these commands before you run OmniOpt2, and also that you write export in front of them. Unexported variables are not passed to programs started by the shell.

Name What does it do?
export install_tests=1 Install test modules
export RUN_UUID=$(uuidgen) Sets the UUID for the run. Default is a new one via uuidgen
export OO_NO_LOGO=1 Disables showing the logo
export OO_MAIN_TESTS=1 Sets the user-id to affed00faffed00faffed00faffed00f, so the statistics can determine whether you are a real user or a test-user
export ITWORKSONMYMACHINE=1 Sets the user-id to affeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffeaffe, so the statistics can determine whether you are a real user or a the main developer (only I should set this variable)
export root_venv_dir=/path/to/venv Path to where virtualenv should be installed. Default is $HOME
export DISABLE_SIXEL_GRAPHICS=1 Disables sixel-graphics, no matter what other parameters are set
export DONT_INSTALL_MODULES=1 Disables installing modules
export DONT_SHOW_DONT_INSTALL_MESSAGE=1 Don't show messages regarding the installation of modules
export DONTSTARTFIREFOX=1 Don't start firefox when RUN_WITH_COVERAGE is defined.
export RUN_WITH_COVERAGE=1 Runs omniopt- and plot-script with coverage to find out test code coverage
export CI=1 Disables certain tests in a CI environment
export PRINT_SEPERATOR=1 Prints a seperator line after OmniOpt2 runs (useful for automated tests)
export BUBBLESIZEINPX=1 Size of bubbles in plot scripts in px
export CREATE_PLOT_HELPS=1 Creates the help files for the tutorials page for each omniopt_plot
export NO_RUNTIME=1 Don't show omniopt_plot runtime at the end
export NO_TESTS=1 Disable tests for .tests/pre-commit-hook
export NO_NO_RESULT_ERROR=1 Disable errors to stdout for plots when no results are found
export SHOW_COMMAND_BEFORE_EXECUTION=1 Show omniopt_plot-commands before executing them